Club Story: Northstar Running
We’re excited to feature this Minnesota run club & encourage you to check it out if you’re looking for a club to join! Northstar Running started in 2015 by a group of friends in order to provide a fun and supportive community that encourages all runners to grow. Since then, membership has grown to almost 90 runners!

Northstar Running meets most weekdays at 7:30am & 6:00pm, and on weekends at 8:00am. Each run starts at a different location in the Twin Cities Metro. (Check out the calendar on their website for details on upcoming runs.) Runs are open to club members, and anyone interested in becoming a member! Membership is $40 annually, and perks include weekly runs, training plans and coaching, access to the team gear store, and more! President, Meghan Doherty, is excited to welcome new members to the club and encourages anyone to come out for a run to see what Northstar Running is all about. The club has many fun activities and runs planned this fall. Northstar Running members are also participating in the upcoming MN RUN Series fall races: Halloween Half, Turkey Trot St. Paul, and Reindeer Run. You can look for members at these races, and please consider joining one of the upcoming group runs! Find more details on the web, or contact the club via email for information.