Runner Story: Peter Tollefson

Peter Tollefson is a powerhouse. Peter was on track for a PR at the 2018 Boston Marathon, and had to drop out during the race due to complications from hypothermia. Undeterred, he ran the Lake Minnetonka Half Marathon in May and not only took 2nd place overall, but broke his 19 year PR with a finish time of 1:14:45.
Peter next set his sights on Grandma's Marathon - Duluth, Inc.. He ramped up his mileage and had a great training cycle, lining up in Duluth feeling confident. Fortunately, he had a day where everything seemed to align, and hit his sub-2:40 goal... and then some. He finished in 2:35:22, a 7 minute PR.
Peter sums up his perspective on running with this: “Running is a funny sport. It's you against you. Finishing times are all relative. I have a ton of respect for anyone that works hard to beat a goal they set for themselves.” So true, Peter!
Photo credit: Mateo Fisher