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MN RUN Series Updates

Lake Minnetonka runner Mark shares his story

Mark Fellows was one of the first runners to pick up his bib and shirt for the Lake Minnetonka Half Marathon on Thursday at Running Room Maple Grove. I got a chance to hear his inspiring story of why he runs. I asked him some questions to share with the MN RUN Series.

MNRS: What is your next race?

Mark: The Lake Minnetonka Half Marathon on May 5, 2019

MNRS: What is your goal for 2019?

Mark: My main goal is to have fun and to continue to enjoy running. Also to finish the Afton 50k trail run this year.

MNRS: What inspires you to run?

Mark: I was in a car accident back in 2006. I broke my right heal and arch of my foot. I had a truck pull out in front of me and I pushed the brake pedal so hard it went through the firewall of the car. Pushed the arch of my foot up 2 inches and stretched my heal and broke it in 4 pieces. The lower joints of my foot are fused. I have 3 plates with around 12 screws in my heal. I was told by 2 foot specialists that I would never be able to run. And probably would have problems walking. I listened to them first and after a while started to become depressed and started gaining weight. So I thought I better start doing something. I started eating differently and started going for walks which led to trying to jog. Which was not easy at first. It took a lot of playing around with shoes and inserts and different socks. And even how to land or lead off of my right foot. Then I started out walking a block then jogging a block. To jogging 2 blocks then walk one. To eventually being able to jog a mile. Then in march of 2016 I ran 3 miles without stopping. Then in spring of 2017 I ran the hot chocolate 15k and started getting into distance running. In may of 2017, I decided to try for a full marathon.

MNRS: What inspires you to run?

Mark: Being told I couldn't run fueled me to do it even more. I have proven to myself that anything is possible if you try. Fall of 2015 is when I decided to try and start running again. Started out walk/jogging and doing 3 miles in around 46 minutes. Then in spring of 2016, I signed up for my first 5k and ran it in 27 minutes. And I was hooked. I did 3 5k's in a row in May.

MNRS: What is one of your most memorable race experiences?

Mark: Crossing the finish line of my first full marathon. TCM 2017 under my goal time of 4 hours 30 minutes. It was an awesome accomplishment and an amazing experience.


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