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MN RUN Series Updates

Runner Story: Shari Stamps & Logan Bredesky

I run...

because it moves me

because it balances me

because it humbles me

because it strengthens me

because it is in me

Shari Stamps loves this little poem which sums running up pretty well for her.

Shari has enjoyed running the Lola’s races for a few years now (4 total - so far) and it was extra special in 2018 because her nephew Logan joined her again. (He also ran Lola's in 2015.) Shari and Logan each took 1st place in their age divisions at the 2018 Lola's races. Great job to both!!

Shari ran in high school, and finished her first half marathon in Duluth in 2011. For Shari (and many of us!), running is a tremendous stress reliever and somehow resets everything - a wonderful time to process and regroup. In 2017, she was sidelined due to Lymes disease, and so thankful to have moved past that and able to run again. Shari is planning to run a couple more 5Ks or 10ks this summer and the Urban Wildland Half marathon on July 28th.

Logan loves many things about running, including the direct payoff of putting in hard work, stress relief and solitude, and competing (against himself as much as others!). Logan is a (as he puts it) "recovering" collegiate middle distance runner (400m & 800m) and is having fun stretching his runs out to longer distances. His long term goal is to qualify for Boston. But his next race is the original marathon in, you guessed it, Greece! He is very excited to experience the atmosphere of the first marathon. 


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